Summer Seminar

On Thursday 23rd August 2018 Worcester IJKA are holding a seminar in the  Dance Studio, Nunnery Wood Sports Centre, Spetchley Road, Worcester WR5 2NL.
Time ~ 19:00 to 21:00.
Please note the REVISED TIMES, which are LATER than our normal class times.
Instructors ~  
Sharad Karia 5th Dan IJkA
Steve Cameron 4th Dan IJKA
Both instructors have a combined total in excess of 50 years experience training worldwide with Kato Shihan 9th Dan IJkA World Chief Instructor.
A warm welcome is extended to all, especially those working towards their ‘first step’ on the mountain path or forest trail, as we plan to focus some of the seminar on IJKA Shodan grading requirements.

August / September 2018 training schedule changes

Due to instructor holidays the club will be closed on the following dates in August and September ~

St Martin’s Church Hall
Monday 27th August and Monday 3rd September

Nunnery Wood Sports Centre
Thursday 30th August

The club will resume normal class schedules on Thursday 6th September at Nunnery Wood Sports Centre.
