Dojo’s are opening

The club returned to the dojo at St Martin’s Church Hall on Monday 27 July.

The club returns to the dojo at Nunnery Wood Sports Complex on Thursday 6 August.

Cameron Sensei looks forward to welcoming everyone back to the dojo.

With the return to the real dojo beginners are welcome once more.

We have put together all the information you may require on a dedicated page Karate and Covid 19


Super Saturday…we’re back soon…

The government announced on Thursday 9 July that Sports Centres, Gyms and Dance Studios etc can re-open on Saturday 25 July 2020.

The club awaits confirmation as to when we can return to our dojos so we can continue the karate journey in the real world.

There will obviously be changes to how we are allowed to operate in these extraordinary times but the club will adapt in whatever way it needs to, guided by Cameron Sensei.

Check back regularly for updates that will be posted as we get more information.


Karate is a lifelong pursuit ~ Even Now

Karate is a life long pursuit was the 9th of 20 precepts written by Gichin Funakoshi the founder of our martial art ~ Shotokan.

Covid-19 and the UK lockdown on March 26th brought a new challenge to find a way of keeping that pursuit ongoing, when dojos had to close.

Cameron Sensei turned to on-line technology to create a virtual dojo that is open twice a week to current club members.

Please note ~  we are sadly unable to accept new students to the club at this difficult time but there will be a warm welcome awaiting you once we return to the real dojo.

The virtual dojo has proven to be a very successful way of keeping students engaged during these difficult times and when the time comes the club will enjoy a seamless transition back to our real dojos.

Kato Shihan was the master innovator and would be very pleased that we have found a way to keep the club and karate spirit alive in these challenging times.

On our return, the real dojo will be operated in strict accordance with latest government guidelines to ensure our student’s can continue their personal karate journey’s in a safe and healthy environment.

We believe the return to the real dojo is close now and eagerly await a government announcement and associated green light.

Stay safe and stay well.

Stay alert………..practice karate.
